Adler Planetarium
In addition to general operating support for America’s first planetarium and space science museum, the Foundation supports the Adler Planetarium’s STEM education programming, encouraging and inspiring children to explore careers in science, technology, engineering and math. Stewart previously served as an Officer on the Adler’s Board of Trustees.

Boy Scouts of America
The Foundation initially engaged with the Boys Scouts by funding a variety of community clean-up projects in the Baltimore area. The Foundation’s investment has grown to include on-going operational funds to support urban scouting. In 2017, Bowe and Stewart were both honored by the Baltimore Council for their strong support of BSA.

Center For Urban Families
The Center for Urban Families strengthens urban communities by helping fathers and families achieve stability and economic success. The Foundation has made multi-year commitments to CFUF, strengthening the organization’s capacity to follow and assist graduates of their STRIVE workforce training and placement program. The Foundation also made a multi-year commitment to CFUF’s capital fund. Bowe serves on the Board of Directors.

Christopher House
Bowe and Stewart have provided strategic, operational and capital support for Christopher House for nearly twenty-five years. Christopher House is a family of schools that provide education and resources to low-income children and their families, helping them to succeed in school, the workplace and life. Stewart served as Board chair from 2013-2017.

Cristo Rey Jesuit High School
The Foundation has funded scholars through the Cristo Rey Corporate Work Study Program in both Baltimore and Chicago. Through this program, the Foundation directly supports real-world work experiences for students – each earning approximately 50% of the cost of their education through their internships with community and non-profit organizations and for-profit companies – while at the same time advancing the important work happening at these partner organizations. Thus all students receive both high-quality college preparatory education and meaningful professional work experience to empower them to succeed in college, career, and life.

Digital Harbor Foundation
The Foundation provided early start-up funds as well as on-going support to the Digital Harbor Foundation, a unique after school program in Baltimore that encourages high school and middle school students to explore careers in technology in a safe, community-based setting. The Foundation also made a seed grant to fund DHF’s expansion plan for other cities and states.

Enoch Pratt Free Library
The Foundation made a multi-year commitment to support the Library’s Mobile Job Center, an innovative program that brings the Library’s workforce development and job search resources into underserved communities, helping Baltimore residents find employment.

Upwardly Global
Bowe and Stewart have provided general operational support to Upwardly Global, whose mission is to eliminate employment barriers for immigrant and refugee professionals while advancing the inclusion of their skills into the U.S. economy.

World Trade Center Institute, Baltimore
The World Trade Center Institute (WTCI) is the largest international business network in the Mid-Atlantic. Bowe and Stewart have provided financial and strategic support to the WTCI for decades. Working with WTCI leadership, Bowe and Stewart were the catalysts for the Bowe Fellowship program, an innovative education and networking opportunity for emerging business leaders. Bowe has served on the WTCI board for two decades. Support provided through ancillary fund.